Tuesday, 5 November 2019

ENT Clerkship Third Year

Duration …… 8weeks,
Every Wednesday from 8:00am to 10:00 am
·       Clerkship Overview
·       Organization and Delivery strategies
·       Objectives
·       Themes and scenarios
·       Assessment and feedback

Clerkship Overview
ENT diseases form a major component of patients presenting to the family physician clinic.
Main aim of ENT clerkship is to
·       Enable the student to diagnose common ENT diseases.
·       Identify diseases that need urgent referral to specialist
·       Generate interest about the ENT specialty which might help students in choosing their career in future.

  • Patient with sore throat
  • Patient with nasal obstruction and nasal discharge
  • Patient with hearing loss
  • Patient with ear discharge/earache
  • Patient with dysphagia
  • Common ENT emergencies
  • Light focusing
  • Anterior rhinoscopy
  • Throat examination with tongue depressor
  • Otoscopy
  • Tuning fork tests
  • Identification of IDL mirror
  • Identification of posterior rhinoscopy mirror
  • Neck node examination

Patient with sore throat
A 16 year old girl presented to OPD with complaints of sore throat, high grade fever and odynophagia for the last 4 days. She was unable to take anything orally for one day. There is also history of recurrent sorethroats for the last 4 years. On examination of throat there is generalized congestion, grade 3 tonsillar hypertrophy and pus coming out of crypts. Her temperature is 102 degree Fahrenheit. Neck examination revealed bilateral tender jugulodigastric lymadenopathy.


  • Formulate the differential diagnosis of sore throat based on history and examination.
  • EXAMINE throat of the patient and look for clinical signs in order to differentiate between different forms of acute tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, membranous tonsillitis  
 Background Knowledge
Applied anatomy of oral cavity and pharynx including tonsils
Infective conditions of oropharynx including the pathophysiology, symptoms and signs

  • Acute tonsillitis and its different forms
  • Chronic tonsillitis
  • Membranous tonsillitis
  • Acute membranous tonsillitis
  • Diphtheria
  • Acute and chronic pharyngitis

A 35 year old male presented to OPD with complaints of nasal obstruction, nasal discharge and high grade fever for the last 3 days. There is also history of sneezing and rhinorrhea on exposure to dust. On anterior rhinoscopy the nasal mucosa is congested and there is mucopurulent discharge. 

Endoscopic view of nasal cavity
A: nasal septum
B: middle turbinate
C: mucopurulent discharge in middle meatus
·       Formulate the differential diagnosis of nasal obstruction with and without nasal discharge based on history and examination
·       Examine the nose of the patient for Identification of normal structures within the nasal cavity
Look for clinical signs on anterior rhinoscopy examination
·       Background knowledge
Applied anatomy of nose and paranasal sinuses
Pathophysiology, symptoms and signs related to
1.      Acute rhinitis and sinusitis
2.     Chronic sinusitis
3.     Fungal sinusitis
4.     Allergic rhinitis
5.     Foreign body nose, rhinolith

A 65 year old male presented to OPD with complaints of bilateral decreased hearing for the last 3 years. Otoscopic examination revealed bilateral impacted wax. 

·       Formulate the differential diagnosis of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
·       Perform otoscopic examination and tuning fork tests (Rinne and Weber) and interpretation of tuning fork tests
·       Background knowledge
            Pathway of air conduction and related causes of conductive hearing loss
            Pathway of bone conduction and related causes of sensorineural hearing loss

A 35 year old male presented to ENT OPD with complaints of left ear discharge for the last 6 years. The discharge is mucopurulent, copious, non-blood stained and odorless. There is no history of fever.Otoscopic examination of left ear revealed large central perforation of tympanic membrane. 

Otoscopic Examination

·       Formulate differential diagnosis for ear discharge based on history and examination
·       Perform otoscopic examination and tuning fork tests
·       Identify normal tympanic membrane and tympanic membrane perforation on otoscopy
·       Background Knowledge:
Pathophysiology, symptoms and signs of
1.      Otitis externa
2.     Acute otitis media
3.     Chronic otitis media and its types

A 45 year old school teacher presented to OPD with complaints of hoarseness of voice for the last 8 months. On indirect laryngoscopy there are bilateral smooth surface round swellings at junction of anterior one third with posterior two third of both vocal cords.

·       Formulate differential diagnosis for hoarseness of voice based on the history and examination
·       How is larynx examined and what structures are seen on IDL examination?
·       Background Knowledge:
1.      Applied anatomy of larynx including its subsites and nerve supply
2.     Functions of larynx in relation to airway, speech and swallowing
3.     Benign causes of hoarseness (Acute and chronic laryngitis, Vocal cord nodules, vocal cord polyps, juvenile respiratory papillomatosis) risk factors, symptoms and signs
4.     Malignant cause of hoarseness (squamous cell carcinoma) risk factors, symptoms and signs

Patient with dysphagia
A 40 year old female presented to OPD with complaints of relative dysphagia for solids for the last 6 months. On examination she is markedly pale. There is angular stomatitis and her nails are spoon shaped. IDL examination was unremarkable.

Upper GI endoscopy view

X ray barium swallow

Formulate the differential diagnosis of dysphagia based on history and clinical examination.
How is hypopharynx examined and structures seen on IDL examination?
Background Knowledge:
Phases of swallowing and different causes related to dysphagia
Pathophysiology, symptoms and signs related to:
1.      Plummer Vinson syndrome, cardia achalasia
2.     Pharyngeal pouch
3.     Foreign body in digestive tract
4.     Hypopharyngeal carcinoma

A 25 year old male while playing cricket with his friends got hit with the ball on his nose. He presented to emergency with complaints of bleeding from inside of his nose for the last 1 hour. Bleeding could not be controlled with conservative measures. 

  • Formulate the differential diagnosis of patient with epistaxis based on history and examination.
  • Perform nasal examination (anterior rhinoscopy)

Scenario 1
A 5 year old girl was brought to emergency with complaints of breathing difficulty for the last 5 hours. They also give history of sore throat and high grade fever for the last 2 days. On examination she is in stridor. 

Scenario 2
A 60 year old male presented to emergency with complaints of severe breathing difficulty for the last 5 days. There is also history of hoarseness of voice for the last 6 months. Patient is a smoker and smokes 10 packs per day for the past 30 years. Indirect laryngoscopy revealed exophytic growth involving true vocal cords and airway is narrow.

 Direct Laryngoscopy View

  • Formulate a Differential diagnosis for hoarseness and stridor, in children and adults, based on history and clinical examination.
  • Identify IDL mirror
  • Background knowledge: pathophysiology, symptoms and signs
  • Infective conditions of larynx (Epiglottitis, Laryngotracheobronchitis, Laryngeal diphtheria, Odema of larynx)
  • Foreign body in airway
  •  Juvenile Respiratory papilloma
  •  Malignant tumours of larynx

-Foreign body in food passages and foreign body in air passages
Scenario 1
A 5 year old boy was brought to emergency by his parents with complaints of absolute dysphagia after ingestion of a five rupee coin. 

X-Ray Chest

Endoscopic view of upper esophageal sphincter

Scenario 2
A 3 year old boy while playing with his brothers experienced choking, coughing and became blue. On examination patient has mild cough and chest auscultation revealed both inspiratory and expiratory wheeze.
Background knowledge

X ray chest

·       Types of foreign bodies
·       Pathophysiology
·       History and examination

Please click here for details on Table of Specification

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ENT Clerkship Third Year

Duration …… 8weeks, Every Wednesday from 8:00am to 10:00 am ·        Clerkship Overview ·        Organization and Delivery strat...